March 11
The Problem of Suffering: Theodicy & Job by Matthew Fredericks
Anyone who believes in a loving, all-powerful and all-knowing God had to, at one time or another, reconcile that with the misery we see in this world. Can we truly reconcile these truths? Does the bible have the answer?
March 18
C.S. Lewis on Suffering: Public Fame, Private Pain by Greg Anderson
Our resident C.S. Lewis expert, Pastor Greg Anderson, will be leading a talk and discussion on "C.S. Lewis on Suffering: Public Fame, Private Pain". Greg has delivered lectures on C.S. Lewis' works at Oxford University, London Institute of Contemporary Christianity, Lutheran Bishop's Cabinet, Southeastern Baptist Seminary, etc.
March 25
Suffering in the Bible by Ting Guevarra-Small
In his recent lectures in HK, Os Guiness, author and social critic, posited that the invention of painkillers in the 1960s has resulted in people's unrealistic view of suffering. Do you have a realistic view of suffering? More importantly, do you have a biblical view of suffering? Let's find out in this talk and discussion.
April 1
Responses to Suffering by Pastor Michele Bland
Suffering has touched many peoples lives. Let's take a journey together and find out how people in the bible responded, and how we can we respond to Suffering. A talk and discussion on "Responses to Suffering" will be led by Pastor Michele Bland. Michele has been a counselor for many years and has an advance standing in Clinical Pastoral Education.
April 8
Suffering: The Memory and The Hope by Brenna Dykman
April 15
The Suffering of Christ by Matthew Fredericks