Our Team

Kenneth Morrison


    Born in HK and baptised at Union Church in 1951. Attended Union Church Sunday School before leaving for boarding school in Scotland. Returned to work in Hong Kong in 1976 but only started attending church again  in 1988 following the death of my father that year. Sang in the Union Church choir for several years. With my wife Isabel we attended the first Alpha Course in HK which began in Union Church in 1994. Thereafter assisted on several Alpha courses, following which Isabel and I began a Small Group which has run ever since. Attended Walk to Emmaus in 1996 and with Isabel was actively involved in this ministry until 2015. Served on Union Church Committee of Management for several years as Hon Treasurer and then Deputy Chairman; subsequently served for several years as a Trustee and then as a Deacon until 2009. Following a period as a "resting Deacon", I was invited to rejoin the Deacons' Court in 2016 and have served there since. Isabel and I were married in HK 40 years ago this year and we have 4 children and 4 (soon to be 5 hopefully!) grandchildren.

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