Lent and Easter at Union Church 

Lent is a time of surrender, reflection, fasting and prayer as we move towards Jesus' ultimate sacrifice on the cross and the glorious resurrection that followed. We invite you to join us for sermons and studies that focus on "Jesus: The Way Maker, Miracles Worker" through the Gospel of Mark. Together we can hear the Word of God, and listen to daily prayers and devotions through ONE2025.

Worship services are both in-person in the Union Church Sanctuary at 22A Kennedy Road, Mid-levels, and streamed live on YouTube and Facebook.

ash wednesday - 5 MARCH
  • Pancake Supper - 6:30pm
  • Ash Wednesday Worship Service - 7:30pm
  • Union Church Hong Kong Sanctuary or watch the livestream YouTube or our Facebook

one HEARing the word campaign 
  • ONE2025 Hearing the Word - listen to prayers, scripture and devotions in the ONE app
  • Printed version of the ONE devotional available at Union Church

Lent Sermon Series
  • "Jesus: The Way Maker, Miracle Worker" from the Gospel of Mark - 5 March - 20 April
  • "Jesus: The Way Maker, Miracles Worker" series at 8:45, 9:45, 11:15 and 3pm Filipino Worship (in Tagalog)

Bible Studies & courses during lent
  • 2:7 Discipleship Series, Sundays, starting 16 March Learn more
  • ONE2025 Bible study - "Jesus: The Way Maker, Miracle Worker" from the Gospel of Mark Resources and study guide
    • Young Adults, Sundays starting 9 March, 12:30 - 1:45pm, 2/F Youth Room Register
    • Adults Study, Sundays starting 9 March, 12:30 - 1:45pm, 2/F Chapel Register
    • Men's Study, Tuesdays, starting 11 March, 8 -9pm, online Register
    • Women's Study, Wednesdays, starting 12 March, 12:30 - 1:30pm, online Register
    • Various Small Groups starting the week of 9 March Register
  • Youth Alpha, Fridays, starting 21 February 6 - 9pm Register
  • Alpha, Wednesdays starting 12 March, 7pm Register
Praying corporately during Lent
  • An Evening of Prayer - 2nd Wednesday of the month, 12 March & 9 April, 7pm
  • Tuesday Morning Prayer online, 7:45am  Request Zoom link

Family Missions Trip to DUMAGUETE, PHILIPPINES
  • 11 - 18 April  Families with youth and children and individuals are welcome. Learn more 
HONG KONG chamber orchestra concert - "MESSIAH
  • Saturday, 12 April, 4 - 8pm - The Hong Kong Chamber Orchestra and Cecilian Singers present a breathtaking performance of Handel's Messiah. Led by Conductor Harty Tam and Musical Director Andrew Leung, with soloists from HKAPA. Suggested donation HK$150. Registration opens soon! Check back here for the link.

Palm Sunday Services
  • Sunday, 13 April  - 8:45, 9:45 and 11:15am, 3pm Filipino Worship

Good Friday Service 
  • Friday, 18 April - 3pm - Hear the combined choirs of Union Church, Hop Yat Church Hong Kong and German Speaking Evangelical Lutheran Congregation and a chamber orchestra. Worship the Lord together through the cantata, My Savior's Love, by Mary McDonald and Rose M. Aspinall.
  • Friday, 18 April - 5 - 6pm - Support the choir as they perform My Savior's Love at Atrium Hysan Place, 500 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay.

Easter Services
  • Sunday, 20 April - 7am Sunrise Service in the Sanctuary followed by breakfast in Fellowship Hall, 9:45 Easter music with brass quartet, 11:15am and 3pm Filipino Service
  • Please note that there is no 8:45 service on Easter morning.

Need prayer now? WhatsApp Union Church at +852 9182 7247 or email your confidential prayer request to  .

Looking for ways to connect at Union Church? Let us know! 

Explore all of our events and activities on our Events webpage.