Youth Ministry

Welcome to Union's Youth Ministry!

Our desire is to create a community where youth feel known, accepted, and cared for as they grow into followers of Jesus Christ. Whether you’ve been raised in church or if this is your first time visiting Union Church, we hope this is a place where you can learn more about God, develop your faith and journey with people like you.

We have a variety of opportunities and events for youth (13-18 years old). Details are available below, and if you have any questions please email us at  .

Youth Services 
Union's Youth meet on Friday nights and Sunday mornings for fellowship and learning more about the Christian faith. It's a great way for students to make new friends, learn more about God's love for them, and find a safe and fun place to just be themselves.

 learn more

Youth Baptism

The Confirmation/Youth Baptism mentoring programme is a three month-long programme committed to teaching youth aged 12 and older the essentials of what it means to be a Christ follower. It is a meaningful opportunity to experience spiritual formation and forge deeper relationships inside and outside church. 

Youth Services

Friday Nights
The purpose of Friday Youth is to learn more about the Christian faith while building relationships with one another and adult leaders. We kick off at 6pm in Fellowship Hall (1/F) with pizza.

Sunday Mornings
On Sundays AJ will see you in the 2/F Youth room at either 9:45 or 11:15 for the new Sunday School series. Questions? Contact

youth missions to KIM in Manila

Mission Trips & Local Outreach

Union Youth and their families headed out to Manila, Philippines from 31 March  - 4 April 2024 to partner with KIDS International Ministries. It was an amazing opportunity for them to witness how God was at work in the Philippines, to serve His Kingdom, and delve deeper into their faith with the Lord and family and friends.  

What does it mean to serve? Watch our video: