"Making mature followers in all nations for Jesus Christ"
U Matters
The political situation in Hong Kong has reduced me to prayer. The protesters, the police, the government, and people whose lives have been disrupted have been in my thoughts and prayers. These are exciting and anxious times, so I am also reduced to reading my Bible. One of my favorite verses is Psalms 64:10, It is usually translated, “Be still and know that I am God.” The MESSAGE translation speaks to me in the middle of the excitement and concern of what is happening in Hong Kong: "Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything.”
“God will overrule us all” as Mother Theresa used to say. Let’s all be prayerful and Jesus focused as he calls each of us to minister in these critical times.
Pastor Greg
Building Union For the Future
Special Evening of Prayer & Worship - Tue, 14 Oct, 7:30-9:00PM
To grow spiritual roots, along with physical roots, join us for a special evening of prayer and worship for Building Union For The Future. Let us pray, that when God has prepared our heart for redevelopment, He would also teach our tongues to answer the thoughts and desires of the heart and to express them in words suitable and answering to all of our, Union Church's, inward spiritual feelings. A fitting variety of expression, and holy prayer, is one of these good and perfect gifts that come from above, from God, the Father of Lights and Knowledge. James 1:17
Opportunities at Union
Guest Speaker Dr Mark Gandolfi, Psychologist and Director of St John's Counseling Center, will speak on "Doing things that are good for you" with Q&A session this Sun, 5 Oct at the 5PM service.
Membership You may have been attending UC for many years but have yet to make it formal. Now's your chance. Join us for a class on Mon, 6 Oct, 7:00-9:00PM. Sign up at Table on the Green or contact Pastor Michele.
Alpha Course #1 will begin on Wed, 8 Oct at 7:00PM. Everyone’s welcome, especially your friends and colleagues who would benefit from asking their ‘Questions of Life’ on Alpha. A personal invitation is the most effective way of bringing a guest to Alpha. For more info and registration, please email
Wed, 08 Oct, 8:00-9:00PM (Refreshements at 7:30PM)
Oasis, the young adult ministry, will gather for a talk and fellowship on Wednesday night at 8:00PM (and 7:30PM for food).
No Youth on 3 Oct due to public holiday. We will pick up again with normal youth group on 10 Oct.
Kingdom Kids
Hallelujah Party Kingdom Kids invites you to the Wild Wild West Hallelujah Party - bouncy castles, crafts, games, photo booths and prizes! Invite friends and bring snacks to share on Sat, 1 Nov from 3:00PM to 5:30PM at the Union Church grounds. Please see posters and website for more details. Write to
if you are attending, and if you can volunteer to help on the day of the event. We are also looking for large cardboard boxes (e.g. size of large electronic appliances) and to borrow western theme props and toys, e.g. toy teepee, rocking horse, cowboy and indian costumes, etc.
Outreach & Missions
Sat 11 Oct - ICC Walk the Wall Come and support International China Concern who focus on providing care and love to abandoned, disabled children in China, by joining this sponsored walk. For more information, contact Danielle Bradsher or pick up a brochure on Sunday
Sun 12 Oct -10,10,10 Special Offering. October is the month where we remember the poor. On 12 Oct, we will be taking up a special offering (starting at just HK$10) to help fund a specific project that tackles poverty in HK. Susanna Ma from Church Network for the Poor will be sharing how the money will be used.
14-16 Nov - Come fly with us to Cambodia! We will be spending time at the children's home we support as a Church. Open to all ages. Contact Sheryl Nutland or Lee-Ann McFarlane for more information.
And finally, are your bathroom cupboards filled with AIRLINE TRAVEL KITS? Please bring any unused kits with their contents to the church. We will be collecting items for the ministry of Sons and Daughters to prepare as Christmas gifts for Wanchai's night workers. For more information, speak to Lee-Ann.
New Group in Central Join us on Mon, 6 Oct, 1:00-2:00PM. Contact Pastor Michele for details and get the Eugene Peterson’s book “Leap Over the Wall.”
Recovery From Divorce and Separation Course 16 Oct - 20 Nov (Thursday), 7:00-9:30PM at Union Church, followed by a social dinner (date to be confirmed). This 6-week course is an opportunity to move forward from the hurt of the past towards rebuilding life. Cost $400/person, includes supper each course evening and materials. For details and registration, click here or pick up a flyer at the “Table on the Green”.
Last Week's Sermon
Please click on the link below to download
"Sacrificial Living" by Pastor Greg Anderson
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Union Church, 22A Kennedy Road, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong Tel: +852 2523 7247 | Fax: +852 2524 0473 Email: