

"Making mature followers in all nations for Jesus Christ"



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U Matters

I write this in the calm before a possible storm. There is a T3 warning that threatens to go to T8. Or it might change directions and miss Hong Kong completely. Hong Kong has a history of massive storms. Back before Typhoons had names, the dates 21 September 1874, 18 September 1906 and 2 September 1937 stood out as the worst. The 1874 storm destroyed our near neighbour St. Joseph's Catholic Church. The 1906 storm killed 10,000, including the Anglican Bishop of HK.

There are much better warning systems in place than the typhoon gun of the past. Yet we still wait and wonder. Last week in the sermon I mentioned that 85% of the things we worry about don't happen. Seems that's about the same percentage of predicted typhoons that don't happen to hit Hong Kong. The power and the lack of predictability of storms is humbling. The fact that we serve a Savior who can calm the storms with a few words, "Quiet, Be Still!" (Mark 4:35-41) is encouraging. If "even the wind and the ways obey him," maybe so should we.

Pastor Greg

Opportunity at Union

Ministry Opportunity   Like meeting new people? Like helping people? Consider helping at the Table on the Green. Pastor Michele needs a team for the morning services and would welcomehelp. Great benefits.

Ministry Opportunity   Want to be a part of our August Lunch Brunch? What is it you ask? See Pastor Michele.
2015 Church Directory   If you have provided an address for us, a copy of the 2015 directory will be mailed to your home. Please check your mailbox. If you are listed in the directory but have not received a copy, please pick one up in the foyer.
If you no longer have need of your previous directory, please feel free to return it to the church and we will securely dispose of it. 

8:30AM Worship Service  will be on summer break in Jul and Aug. It will resume on Sun, 6 Sep.


Wed, 15 Jul, 8:00PM (Refreshments at 7:30PM)

Oasis, the young adult ministry, will gather for a talk and fellowship on Wednesday night at 8:00PM.



Youth Fall Mission Trip   Join us Thur, 1 Oct to Sun, 4 Oct for our Youth Fall Mission trip to Manila, Philippines to work with Kid's International Ministry (KIM). We will be building houses, working on feeding projects, and playing with the kids! This trip is open for youth ages, 11 to 18. We are also looking for adults to chaperone the trip. To register or for more information, email Brenna.

Kingdom Kids

Crèche    Crèche is open throughout the summer for babies under 3 years old. 

Vacation Bible School     Kingdom Kids invite all children from 3 to 9 years old to our VBS Summer Sunday School titled "EVEREST" - where kids Conquer Challenges with God's Mighty Power this Sunday, 12 July and for the next 3 Sundays in the summer, 19, 26 July, 2 Aug, at 9:30AM & 11:00AM we will have songs, skits, bible story-telling, games, snacks and science experiments. Registration is still open on an on-going basis, and volunteers from 10 years old and above are welcome to join us make this VBS a memorable event for our children. Bring your friends along and register at the Kingdom Kids table, in front of the lower annex, or at 

Outreach & Missions

International Trips
China: Look out for a trip to Heng Yang in the Fall with International China Concern, 17-20 Sep
South Africa/Swaziland - Vacation with a Purpose, 16-23 Oct
We will be visiting the Town of Bulembu in Swaziland and serving the children through a VBS program and some light manual labour. Afterwards we will head to the world renowned Kruger National Park and look out for the Big Five - Elephant, Lion, Rhino, Leopard and Buffalo.  Interested? Contact Lee-Ann by end of July
Donation YWAM Sons and Daughters have opened a Drop In Centre in Wan Chai and are looking to equip their kitchen with kitchen/baking supplies like crockery, cutlery, dishes, bowls. If you have items to donate, please contact Lee-Ann.


The Jesus Lifestyle” course will run from this Wed, 15 July – Wed, 19 Aug. The course is a follow up to Alpha but is open to everyone. Nicky Gumbel will present such topics as: How to find the secret of happiness; How to change the world around you; How to understand the Old Testament; How to handle anger; How to approach sex in the 21st Century and How to respond to divorce. Wed nights from 7:30 – 9:00PM; no supper will be provided. For registration, please contact Patrick Wilson.

Last Week's Sermons

Please click on the link below to download

"How Does God Find You?" by Pastor Greg Anderson

"Following Christ – Becoming Neighbour" by Dr. Philemon Choi


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Union Church, 22A Kennedy Road, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2523 7247 | Fax: +852 2524 0473