![]() Acts@22A"Making mature followers in all nations for Jesus Christ" |
U Matters |
My mother used to say, when talking about sin: "Ignorance is bliss." In Romans 16, Paul tells us "to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil." Both Paul and my mother are right. If we find wisdom and bliss in goodness, we will live fulfilled and useful lives. If we are ignorant of the good and try to find fulfilment in what is sinful or evil, the results could be very grim. So how can we be wise about the good? Sunday 24 May, Os Guinness will be speaking at Union Church. Yes, he is related to the brewing family but he is better known as one of the wisest Christian thinkers around. This good and wise man is an example of what Paul is talking about in Romans. May Union be known as a wise and good group of Christ followers. Pastor Greg |
Guest Speaker - Os Guinness, 24 May 9:30AM & 11:00AM Servicesx |
Os Guinness, author of 30 books and a social critic, holds a D.Phil. from Oriel College, Oxford. Os was born in China during World War Two where his parents were medical missionaries. He is the great-great grandson of Dublin Brewer Arthur Guinness, previously a freelance reporter for the BBC, and a Guest Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Studies and Brookings Institution. Os is also part of the global speaking team for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM). He lives with his wife Jenny in McLean, Virginia. |
Courses / Workshops |
Faith in the Workplace Workshop **This Sunday** Our deacon, Andrew Chua, is conducting a series of four workshops on being a disciple of Jesus in the workplace. The workshops are Sunday evening at 6:15PM in the Fellowship Hall after the 5:00PM Service on 17, 24, and 31 May. If you missed the first session, please join the final sessions. All are welcome at the Sunday workshop: there is no need to pre-register. For those who cannot attend Sunday evening, Andrew Chua will host a repeat lunch workshop on Thursdays, 14, 21, 28 May, and 4 June from 1:00-2:00PM -18th Floor, Princes Building. For the Thursday lunch workshop, please pre-register. Space is limited to eight people. Please contact Andrew MacGeoch for registration and upon arrival. Baptism If you are interested in baptism, join us on Monday, 18 May 7:30-9:00PM. Please see Pastor Michele. Membership Next class will be held on Monday, 8 June, 7:30-9:00PM. Grief Share If you have lost a loved one or know someone who has, then this is for you. Come learn about grief through experts who know the pain and challenges of loss. Sessions will include thematic DVD talks on various aspects of grief. As grief is work, creating a safe space for listening and sharing will be encouraged. Join us Tuesdays 19 & 26 May and 2 Jun, 7:30-9:00PM and bring a friend. See Pastor Michele for more information. Recovery from Divorce and Separation Course Thursdays, 30 April-11 June, 7:00-9:30PM at Union Church. For details and registration, please click here or pick up a flyer at the “Table on the Green”. |
Oasis |
Wed, 20 May, 8:00PM (Refreshments at 7:30PM) Eunice Seng and Koon Wee will examine the integral relationship between architecture, the church and metropolitan development. Eunice is an Associate Professor at the University of Hong Kong famed for her tough love teaching approach. She earned her PhD from Columbia University and a Masters of Architecture from Princeton University. Her husband, co-lecturer and collaborator Koon, is also an Assistant Professor at the University of Hong Kong and earned his Masters of Architecture at Yale University. |
Youth |
Join us this Friday at youth as we talk explore our spiritual gifts! |
Kingdom Kids |
Kingdom Kids has been blessed tremendously with the high attendance these past few weeks. Matthew 9:37; "the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers, into his harvest field." We ask that you prayerfully consider joining our loving and dedicated Children's Ministry team. To volunteer, please contact us at . |
Outreach & Missions |
Helping Hands for Nepal Please continue to bring your disaster relief bags for Nepal – either on Sunday to the Table on the Green, or during the week to the Church office. Local Outreach We will be visiting the HOME OF LOVING FAITHFULNESS on 30 May. HOLF is a loving residential home for severely disabled adults and teens. We will be meeting the incredible staff who dedicate their time to serving and looking after these folk, and bringing items for teatime to share with them. Time: meet at the church at 1.30pm. We will return by 6:00PM. Please contact Lee-Ann to confirm. Upcoming Trips We will be making several trips in the Fall, but need to gauge an interest now to start preparing. 17 - 24 October, Swaziland/South Africa Have you ever wanted to see the Big Five – Lion, Elephant, Leopard, Rhino and Buffalo in their natural Habitat? Come and Join us on this Vacation with a Purpose. We will spend several days serving the children in Bulembu, Swaziland, and then head across the border to South Africa on safari. This is a family friendly trip. Please contact Lee-Ann if you would like further information. 18 -20 September, Heng Yang, China, with International China Concern You haven’t got lots of holiday time left but would like to participate in a mission trip? Union supports a home for young women with disabilities in Heng Yang. Come and see the important role that ICC is playing in supporting and caring for these young people. For more info, contact Lee-Ann or Dale Weathington. |
Other |
Appreciate & Acknowledge Moving Family On Sunday 31 May, at each service, we will invite those forward who are leaving our Union family and Hong Kong in order to pray a blessing over them and acknowledge their service. |
Last Week's Sermon |
Please click on the link below to download "Paul's Mother" by Pastor Greg Anderson |
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Union Church, 22A Kennedy Road, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong |