"Making mature followers in all nations for Jesus Christ"
U Matters
Union was founded by missionaries and 170 years later we are still all about missions. This week's worship services will take you by surprise. Twenty-two local and international mission organizations we support will be involved. Stay after the 11AM service for lunch and a Mission Fair. You won't want to miss this celebration of sharing Jesus Christ both here and abroad. Nor will our 11-18 year-olds want to miss the Amazing {G}Race!
Pastor Greg
Mission Sunday & Opportunity Fair
Join us at the Mission Opportunities Fair to meet representatives of the organizations we support and stay for snacks after 9:30AM service or light international lunch after 11AM service. Wear your international dress or traditional costume to celebrate our diversity.

Union Church Membership
We don’t want to miss you. If you would like to be a member at Union Church and haven’t made it official, we will be presenting another group on Sunday, 25 May. Please contact Pastor Michele if interested.
Building Update
The soil investigation at Union Church by contractors is rescheduled for 30 June.
Wednesday, 21 May, 8:00PM, 'Christ in Dreams'
Oasis will host a special event on encountering Christ through dreams. Three individuals, accomplished in the fields of finance (Managing Director, Citigroup), real estate (Regional Director, Jones Lang Lasalle), and philanthropy (Executive Director, Love and Peace Ministries), will share dream experiences that changed their approach to God. For worship and meditation, professional musicians, a flautist and an oboist, from the Hong Kong Sinfonietta will perform 'Gabriel's Oboe,' by Ennio Morricone, from the film The Mission. What is your opinion of how dreams relate to faith? Please join us to hear their life changing stories and symphony level music.
Welcome Lunch
Sunday, 25 May, 12:15PM
Welcome to Union Church! If you are new or feel new we would like to meet you! Please join us for lunch "on the house". Great homemade cooking and a chance to meet ministry leaders and staff. Sign up at Table on the Green or see Pastor Michele.
This Sunday (18 May) the Youth are invited to "The Amazing {G}Race!"
The race starts at 12:30PM, meet at Union at 12:15PM. Families of the Youth are invited to join us from 3:00 to 5:30PM at our celebration BBQ for food, fellowship, and fun!

Sr. High Youth are invited to join us at RESOUND this Friday. Everyone will be meeting Ryan at the Church at 6:00PM where they will take the MTR to ICA in North Point. THERE WILL BE NO YOUTH GROUP FOR SR. HIGH!
Jr. High youth group will be held as normal from 6:30 to 8:00PM.
Trips - Do something different with your July!
Travel to Mongolia with Flourishing Future and volunteer with a children's camp 7-13 Jul Only 8 spots remaining! Contact Pastor Matthew Fredericks or Lee-Ann McFarlane for more information.
Volunteers needed for Hubei Love English Camp 2014 Partnering with churches in Hubei, participants will assist local students develop their English proficiency through tutoring, English lectures, and arts and crafts. This is a wonderful way to build new friendships with our brothers and sisters in China. Please contact Lee-Ann for more information.
Check out website for more upcoming trips.
Weekly Ministries
Men's Fraternity meets every Sunday, 8:00AM with a parallel session on Monday evenings at 7:30PM. We are studying The Quest for Authentic Manhood to learn how to be the best husbands, fathers, friends and sons of God we can be. Come join us--it's never too late! For more information, please contact Charles Schmitt: charleslschmitt@gmail.com; +852 9406 8342
Last Week's Sermon
Please click on the link below to download
"Rite of Passage" by Pastor Matthew Fredericks
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Union Church, 22A Kennedy Road, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong Tel: +852 2523 7247 | Fax: +852 2524 0473 Email: