"Making mature followers in all nations for Jesus Christ"
U Matters
The founder of Union Church, James Legge, turns 200 next year. I am in London, pouring through the archives at SOAS, where the Legge papers are kept. So far I have gone through eight boxes of his sermons, letters, and Union stuff. My admiration for the man knows no bounds.
He wrote of Hong Kong in 1861, "I found all about thronging multitudes. My soul was saddened at the sight of so many sheep without a shepherd." For 170 years Union has been inviting people to meet Jesus, the great shepherd. Invite someone to the Alpha banquet, to church, or share your faith with a friend. What a joy we have to present Jesus Christ to the thronging multitudes of Hong Kong!
Pastor Greg
Opportunities at Union
This Sunday 5PM Service Guest Speaker Senator Datuk Paul Low, a Malaysian Cabinet Minister, will speak on "Impacting Society Through Divine Authority and Power."
Baptism If you have never been baptized and want to know about baptism, please join Pastor Michele on Mon, 22 & 29 Sep from 7:00-9:00PM in the fellowship hall. Proposed baptism date: Sun, 12 Oct.
Membership You may have been attending UC for many years but have yet to make it formal. Now's your chance. Join us for a class on Mon, 6 Oct, 7:00-9:00PM. Sign up at Table on the Green or contact Pastor Michele.
Family in Need works with people who need help within the UC family. This comes in varying forms. On this occasion we are looking for single bunk bed (preferred) or single bed, and fridge. If you can help, please see Charles Schmitt or Pastor Michele.
National D ay Sai Kung Hike Outdoor Trip When: Wed, 1 Oct, 9:30AM Meeting: HSBC Central Tower, Central Materials: Money, hiking shoes, sun block, water Plan: We will take MTR and bus to Sai Wan Pavilion in Sai Kung, and then hike to Tai Long Wan, and then proceed to two secluded beaches. Limit: All physical fitness levels are welcome. Advanced hikers will summit Sharp's Peak. Contact: Pastor Matthew
Chung Yeung Festival Kayaking Outdoor Trip When: Thur, 2 Oct, 12:30AM Meeting: Pacific Coffee, 80 Stanley Village Road, Stanley Transport: 6, 6x, 260, 40 Minibus Materials: Money, shoes, sun block Plan : We will proceed to Union Church's kayaking hut and then paddle to Stanley Beach. Limit: There are only 12 kayaks, RSVP ASAP. This is a long journey: you need to know how to swim and be physically fit. Contact/RSVP to: Pastor Matthew
ALPHA will start again soon! The Introductory Dinner & Short Talk will take place next Wed, 24 Sept, 7:30PM in the Fellowship Hall. Everyone is welcome, especially your friends and colleagues who would benefit from asking their "Questions of Life" on Alpha. A personal invitation is the most effective way of bringing a guest to Alpha. For info and registration, please email
or click here. See you there!

Oasis "Belief Blockers Series"
Wed, 24 Sep, 8:00-9:00PM (Refreshements at 7:30PM)
Session 2: The Bible-- Can we trust the Bible? Is the Bible irrelevant/outdated?
Join the young adults for a 29-minute DVD featuring apologist Amy Orr-Ewin; historians Dr. Lyn Cohick of Wheaton College, Dr. Mareque Ireland of Fuller Theological Seminary, Dr. Craig Keener of Asbury Theological Seminary; and the CEO of the Australian Bible Society, Dr. Greg Clarke. Following the 29-minute video, a 20-minute small group discussion will follow.
Kingdom Kids
Sunday School Teachers Needed Kingdom Kids is looking for committed volunteers who will partner with us in the ministry of teaching our children God's Word. We are looking for teachers for our 8-to-10-year-olds at 9:30AM and 3-year-olds at 11:00AM. If you would like to help us as lead teacher or assistant, please contact
or call +21010 414.
Sponsor A Hygiene Bag! There is not a lot you can get with $100 HKD these days... maybe a set lunch in Central? For $100 you can also sponsor a Hygiene bag for a family in the Philippines full of soap, new toothbrushes, and other basic but much needed supplies. To sponsor a bag, see us at the Christmas Tree on the green this Sunday or email Brenna.
Sun, 21 Sept, 12:00-3:30PM - Ryze Ultimate Trampoline Park Trip Meet in the Youth room after church to grab pizza and then leave at 12:30PM to take the MTR to North Point. Please bring your octopus card, athletic clothing to jump around with, water, and $100 cash. We will be back to the church not later than 3:30PM. ****For PARENTS: Please click here to fill out the online waiver and have your youth bring it on Sunday to the trip. They are not allowed to jump without the parental waiver!****
Outreach & Missions
Visit to HOLF, Sat 27 Sept The Home of Loving Faithfulness (HOLF) is a Christian faith ministry providing life long care to physically and mentally handicapped children and adults in Hong Kong. HOLF is o ne of the ministries supported by Union Church. If you would like to see how God is working at HOLF, or if you are interested in getting involved, then come and experience it! We plan to visit HOLF (near Sheung Shui) on the morning of 27 Sept, meet the people, and share lunch with the staff. We would be back in Hong Kong by 2:30PM. Transport will be arranged. Please contact
ICC Walk-a-thon - HOLD THAT DATE Looking forward to the Fall? Not so hot and a great time to start walking. Especially f or a good cause. International China Concern will be holding their annual Walk-a-thon on Sat, 11 Oct on the Peak. Last year close to 40 people took part. To register or find out more, contact Danielle Bradsher or pick up a brochure on Sunday.
New Group in Central Join us alternative Mondays from 1:00-2:00PM, starting next Mon, 22 Sept. Contact Pastor Michele for details and get the Eugene Peterson book "Leap Over the Wall".
Community Bible Study International (CBSI) The Gospel of Mark and The New Christian Living Study: “Philemon, Jude and I, II & III John” - Fall term commencing 18 Sept, Thursdays 9:30-11:00AM at Church of All Nations, Repulse Bay (Contact Barbara Wh itehead +91704606, or
Men's Fraternity will kick off this Sunday, 28 Sep, 8:00AM in Union Church at Youth Office, and a parallel session starting Monday evenings, 29 Sep, at 7:30PM in the Lower Annex. We will be resuming The Quest for Authentic Manhood, so this would be a great time to start whether you've done any Men's Fraternity before or not. Men's Fraternity is about helping men in today's world become the best husbands, fathers, friends and sons of God we can be in 3 key areas of our lives: at home, at work, and in the broader community and world around us. We learn about the unique gifts God has given each of us and how to use them, in the context of great fellowship and friendship. Come join us - you'll be glad you did, and so will your family! For more information, please contact Charles Schmitt at
or +94068342.
Recovery From Divorce and Separation Course 16 Oct - 20 Nov (Thursday), 7:00-9:30PM at Union Church, followed by a social dinner (date to be confirmed). This 6-week course is an opportunity to move forward from the hurt of the past towards rebuilding life. Cost $400/person, includes supper each course evening and materials. For details and registration, visit www.unionchurchhk.org or pick up a flyer at the “Table on the Green”.
Last Week's Sermon
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"Our God is Greater" by Pastor Greg Anderson
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