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U Matters

Greetings Fellow Survivors of the T10!  This Sunday at 9:30AM and 11:00AM we will worship God together.  It just so happens that it will be the final service in our current sanctuary.  The worship will be memorable.  We encourage you to come early to get a seat.  We are eager to welcome you as well as friends from afar who have returned for this epic event.

Next week we move on to Sunlight Tower.  As we move, I encourage you to consider joining a small group to make connections with fellow Union attenders.  Monte Peterson, an M.Div student at Lutheran Seminary in Minneapolis, MN, has moved back to Hong Kong with her husband Matt and their kids.  She will be Union’s Small Group Coordinator of the “Just 10” groups.  Sign ups will start next week.  Pastor Michele has recruited hospitality hosts that will bring people out to lunch following the services.

See you Sunday!

Pastor Greg

August and September Services and Events

27 August

3 September


9:30AM & 11:00AM “Remember, Rejoice, & Return
Celebration Service with Choir and brass
Please note:
The Sanctuary and U-Café will be a joint service
This Sunday with overflow in Fellowship Hall 
There will be no 5:00PM service this day

Worship services at 18/F Sunlight Tower,
248 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai
8:45AM Classic Worship & Communion
9:45AM Traditional Worship & Sunday School
11:15AM Contemporary Worship & Sunday School
3:30PM Filipino Worship

This Week

Name tags available!  Stop by the Name Tags Table and pick up your name tag this Sunday! Our Union Welcome Committee have provided name tags to help us all get to know one another better during our time of transition. If your name does not appear we will be happy to provide one for you.  Let’s encourage one another and build up our fellowship together!


"... the gifts you sent are a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God. And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:15,18-19

Giving to the work of ministry is really an offering to God himself. When the Philippians gave to Paul they were actually offering their resources to further God's kingdom. They gave so that his ministry of advancing the claims of the Gospel would progress. All giving is used by God in this way. Money is never meant to be stored up in bank accounts but instead used for God's kingdom purposes. God doesn't desire extravagance; He doesn't need worldly success. He is a giving Lord who constantly pours out the ‘fragrant offerings’ given to him back into people so that they would know him.

As we get closer towards the move to Sunlight Tower, please give generously to the redevelopment fund or sponsor an item for Sunlight Tower. Pledge envelopes are available in the pews. Cheques may be written to “Union Church” or “Friends of Hong Kong Charities, Inc. (for US tax payers only) with a notation for “BUFF” written at the back. Sponsorship items are available for viewing on the Church’s website.


Prayer for Union Come lift up the needs of Union Church. Join us every Tuesday morning at 7:30AM for a time of prayer in the sanctuary. 

ALPHA RETURNS! We will kick off our next Alpha course on Wed 11 Oct 2017 in Sunlight Tower. Over the summer, pray about who you can invite to the Intro Dinner that day. Contact .

Navigating Your Finances God’s Way
Mondays, 9 October – 27 November 2017, 7:30PM-9:30PM
Deepen your faith in the Lord. Come learn God’s perspective of managing money and possessions.
Sing up  now. Bring a friend.

There is no better time than NOW to become a member at Union Church. If interested in membership, please see Pastor Michele or Pastor Greg for details. 

Hospitality Hosts Needed
As we prepare for our move we are looking for Sunday hospitality hosts - that is, people who are willing to go to a restaurant in the Sunlight Tower area after services for Sunday September 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th. You can choose your restaurant (or we will) and we can list the hosts and restaurants each week. Interested? please sign up or see Pastor Michele. Families welcome to host -note just because you host doesn't mean you pay.

DateSaturday, 9 September 2017
Time9:00AM - 4:00PM
Venue: Kong Fok Church, 1/F, Far East Finance Centre, 16 Harcourt Road, Admiralty, HK
David and Denise Glenn, authors of Wisdom for Fathers and Wisdom for Mothers are founders of Kardo Ministries whose goal is to equip, embrace, educate, and encourage families with God's Truth and Love. These biblical materials provide the priorities and practical instructions for building strong marriages and parenting.
Conference Price: (Lunch is not included)
Early Bird Registration: On or before 15 August 2017
Per person: HK$300
Husband & wife: HK$500 
Regular Registration: After 15 August 2017
Per person: HK$400
Husband & wife: HK$600
Please click here for registration and payment.

Theme: Hidden Assets - Creating Sustainable Community
Date: Wednesday, 20 September 2017
Time: 9:00AM - 2:00PM
Venue: Fellowship Hall E.F.C.C. Kong Fok Church, 1/F, Far East Finance Centre, 16 Harcourt Rd, Admiralty, HK
Dr. Philemon Choi, Rev. So Tai Wing, and workshop hosts
Objective: Exchange ideas and experiences in serving the poor through local community projects
Format: Theme message, keynote speech, workshops with special topics, and ministry fair (Note: NGOs currently serving the poor will take part in the ministry fair as well; participants can meet and connect with them during the fair)
Workshop topic:
·  Public Funding For Community Projects – Dr. Ricky Szeto
·  Food Angel: From Compassion to Action - Gigi Tung
·  Hope for HK: Launching a Community Website Platform - Keith Lie
·  Change Through Advocacy – The Bigger Picture - Pastor Sherman Chau
·  Collaborating for Systemic Transformation - Stephen Wong
·  Transformation Starting From Prayer - Barbara Chan
·  Bringing Light To Affordable Community Living - Ricky Yu
·  Research Our City for Ministry Impact - Dr. Natalie Chan
·  Youth Mentoring in Community - Dr. Eddie Ng
Language: English and Cantonese bilingual
Please click here for registration

Small Group

Looking for a small group? There are some great options available. Women, Intergenerational, Men - check out the brochure.
New Series: “Just 10” with Canon J. John on the 10 Commandments.
Join Pastor Michele and Ellen Demuynck on FRIDAYS 10:00AM-12:00PM starting 25 Aug at Kennedy Rd and Sunlight Tower.
Join Barbara Yorks on WEDNESDAYS Starting 13 Sept at 10:00AM at Sunlight Tower.
Join Pastor Michele on MONDAYS (alternative) 1:00PM-2:00PM Starting 4 Sept Central/Admiralty.


Friday - Last Youth Group @ 22A Kennedy Road!!
This Friday is a very special night for Union Youth Group, with an opportunity to say good bye to the building at 22A Kennedy Road, to hear from our special guests, and to play Romans & Christians one last time!
All youth are invited to come from 6PM, and Senior Hang-Out will resume that night (9pm-10pm) as well. 

Friday, 1 Sept - Year KickOff Tram Party
To kickoff Union Youth for the year, we are having a Tram Party! More information sent by email. 

Friday, 8 Sept - First Youth Group @ Sunlight Tower
We welcome all Youth to come to Sunlight Tower for the first gathering in the new building. Come ready to have fun, learn the lay of the land and grow together! 6-9PM for Youth of all ages.

Youth activities
Are you a youth and want to be involved in our youth group? There are many ways you can be involved: Youth Group (Friday, Sunday), Youth Band, Christian Clubs, Confirmation etc.
Questions? Email 

Kingdom Kids

VBS Sunday School
Join us for our “Maker Fun Factory” VBS Sunday School Finale this Sunday, 27 August at the 9:30AM & 11:00AM service for children ages 3 to 11 years old. Maker Fun Factory is filled with incredible Bible learning experiences, cool worship songs, Science-Fun Gizmos, team building game and tasty treats. Register at the VBS 2017 Registration Table in the courtyard.

Sunday School 2017/2018 Registration 
Sunday School Registration for academic year 2017/2018 is now open. In order to help us plan our program well and serve your family better, we would appreciate it if you could kindly register your children HERE. All children enrolling in our Sunday School and Crèche Center MUST BE REGISTERED by filling in and signing the Registration Form. For more information, please visit Union Church's website or contact us at  or 2101 0414.

Sunday School Kick-Off at Sunlight Tower 
Kingdom Kids will be kicking off the Sunday School academic year of 2017-2018 at the newly renovated place, The Sunlight Tower, on Sunday 3 September 2017 at 9.45 am and 11.15 am services. Children ages 3-11 years old will meet at the Music Room for Kids Worship Time before proceeding to their respective classrooms accompanied by their teachers. Babies and toddlers ages 0 up to 3 years old will proceed directly to the Creche Room. Please pick up the Sunday School new schedules and class assignment at the Kingdom Kids Table. We look forward to see your family there and let us continue in our journey to raise our children for God’s Kingdom.  


All-Church Mission Trip to Manila, October 2017
Sign-up now for Union Church’s annual All-Church Mission Trip to Manila in partnership with Kids International Ministries (KIM).
Everyone is welcome to join! Deadline for registration is 15 September
The trip is from 29 September to 02 October 2017 (with possibility to extend your stay in the Philippines if you want to!) The price for the trip is $2,700, not including flights.
Contact t
o register. 

Last Week's Sermon

Please click on the link below to download

"Take a Dip!" by Pastor Greg Anderson

Union Church, 22A Kennedy Road, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2523 7247 | Fax: +852 2524 0473