"Making mature followers in all nations for Jesus Christ"
U Matters
Tuesday night at Summer Reflection Series we discussed four distinctives of Union: Biblical/Transformational, Communal, Attractional, and Missional. Those present thought we were Communal first, Attractional (strong programs in youth, Sunday School, etc., to bring people in) second, Biblical a close third, and Missional (going out in service) last. They wish Union was Biblical first, Communal second, Missional third, and Attractional last. How would you have voted?
Pastor Greg
Opportunities at Union
Cruise into the Sunset and the Fall with the Union Church Family
Where: Sanya, Halong Bay
Costs: $3,365 -3,630 (depends on cabin category)
Summer Reflection Series: Church
As a conclusion to our series, Pastor Matthew Fredericks will facilitate discussion, "Union Church: Where?" He will be joined by the Chairman of our Board of Trustees, Geoff Lovegrove and the Vice-Chair of our Committee of Management, Jane Arnett. Together they will help us understand where Union has sojourned in the past 170 years, where Union is today (i.e. facing redevelopment for the next five years), and the exciting potential for where Union may be in 5-20 years time. Questions welcome! Join us on Tue, 29 Jul at the Fellowship Hall, 7:00PM to 8:30PM. A light dinner is provided. For more information and registration please contact us at ting.guevarra@unionchurchhk.org or +2101 0414.
2014 Church Directory is now available! If you have provided us with information, please pick up a copy at church this Sunday.
30 Jul, 8:00PM (Refreshments start at 7:30PM)
Judy Vas will speak on Christianity in finance, focusing on success and overcoming setbacks in the industry. Judy is an established compliance and regulatory professional in Asia. She is currently the APAC Regulatory Leader at Ernst & Young and formerly Managing Director of Compliance and Regulatory Affairs for Goldman Sachs in Asia.
Kingdom Kids
Vacation Bible School Summer Sunday School just got weird! Our Vacation Bible School, "WEIRD ANIMALS: Where Jesus' Love is One-of-a-Kind," starts this Sunday! For the next four Sundays, 27 Jul to 17 Aug, children from 3 to 9 years old are invited to the Lawn to register and meet with your crew at 9:30AM and 11:00AM. We will have songs, skits, bible story-telling, games, snacks and science experiments. For more information contact children@unionchurchhk.org.
Sunday School Teachers Needed! Want to be challenged and grow as a Christian and have a fun time doing it??? There is no better way to learn than by teaching! Union's Youth program is looking for a few more adults to help teach once a month Sunday School. I promise you will never look at the gospel the same way! E-mail Brenna for more information.
Outreach & Missions
Family Trip to Beijing 8 - 10 Aug
During this family-friendly trip, we will be staying at the beautiful Singing Deer Lodge North of Beijing, whose grounds hold a portion of the Great Wall. On Saturday and Sunday, we will visit and engage with the families and children who have been part of China's mass exodus. Come and join us. Contact Lee-Ann McFarlane or May Tang for more details.
Special Performance - SAVE THE DATE
Michael Card is an iconic and gifted Christian musician and singer/songwriter. He will be performing at Island ECC this September in support of ELIC (English Language Institute China). This will be an intimate time when Michael will interact with the audience and answer some personal questions interweaved with performing his songs and sharing his heart for missions.
Date: Sat, 20 Sep
Time: 7:30PM
Tickets are available through IECC, and you can contact
for more info.
Last Week's Sermon
Please click on the link below to download
"Eve" by Pastor Matthew Fredericks
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Union Church, 22A Kennedy Road, Mid-Levels, Hong Kong Tel: +852 2523 7247 | Fax: +852 2524 0473 Email: