New Group in Central Join us alternative Mondays from 1:00-2:00PM, starting next Mon, 22 Sept. Contact Pastor Michele for details and get the Eugene Peterson book "Leap Over the Wall".
Men's Fraternity will kick off this Sunday, 28 Sep, 8:00AM in Union Church at Youth Office, and a parallel session starting Monday evenings, 29 Sep, at 7:30PM in the Lower Annex. We will be resuming The Quest for Authentic Manhood, so this would be a great time to start whether you've done any Men's Fraternity before or not. Men's Fraternity is about helping men in today's world become the best husbands, fathers, friends and sons of God we can be in 3 key areas of our lives: at home, at work, and in the broader community and world around us. We learn about the unique gifts God has given each of us and how to use them, in the context of great fellowship and friendship. Come join us - you'll be glad you did, and so will your family! For more information, please contact Charles Schmitt at or +94068342.
Recovery From Divorce and Separation Course 16 Oct - 20 Nov (Thursday), 7:00-9:30PM at Union Church, followed by a social dinner (date to be confirmed). This 6-week course is an opportunity to move forward from the hurt of the past towards rebuilding life. Cost $400/person, includes supper each course evening and materials. For details and registration, click here or pick up a flyer at the “Table on the Green”.